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29 juillet 2012 n-mizuno 0

I enjoyed 3 days stay in Taipei although heat and humidity caused me deep suffering… Photos are released on my Facebook page (PC, Mobile)

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1 juillet 2012 n-mizuno 0

Today, I would like to introduce a funny story on which I read in the paper, regarding a Japanese guy with poor English:

FUKUSHIMA: Latest situation

21 juin 2012 n-mizuno 0

The latest situation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) and other related information are now available on the website at:

Accès Interdit

3 décembre 2008 n-mizuno 0

L’autorité du marché de Tsukiji (Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market), s’est décidé à exclure tous les touristes des enchères de thon à partir du 15 […]